Alan Phillips, J.D. of Chapel Hill, NC, is a leading U.S. vaccine rights attorney
He advises individuals, families, attorneys, groups and organizations throughout the U.S. on vaccine exemption and waiver rights; supports legislative initiatives aimed at expanding vaccine freedom of choice; is published internationally on vaccine health and legal matters; and appears regularly at rallies, conferences, and on radio and TV shows discussing vaccine rights issues. Alan is a featured guest monthly on Freedomizer Radio and Liberty News Radio, and a weekly co-host for Homeopathy World Community’s Vaccination and Your Rights radio show. Alan is also a regularly featured writer for Natural News and Liberty News Radio.
Alan is an Advisory Board Member of the American Chiropractic Autism Board, a board member of the World Association for Vaccine Education and the Pastoral Medical Association, a co-founder of NC’s Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, an Associate and Legal Advisor to Source Force, Inc. (a caring ministry for poverty AIDS and terminal cancer victims), and an Advisory Counsel Member of Thai Healing Alliance International.
Over the years Alan has helped clients secure vaccine exemptions in a wide variety of settings, including schools (public, private, home and military), colleges, the military including civilian contractors), immigration, healthcare employees, and parents in vaccine custody disputes. Alan’s e-book, The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions, is the only publication that provides authoritative, accurate, in-depth information about how state and federal laws interact with individual circumstances to form the precise boundaries of each person’s legal right to refuse vaccines; his Vaccine Rights website, the only Internet site dedicated solely to vaccine legal exemptions and waivers. Alan also spearheaded the Pandemic Response Project (PReP), a national initiative aimed at reforming state laws across the U.S. that currently provide for vaccines to be mandated *without exemptions* during declared emergencies and non-vaccinated persons to be quarantined in government facilities against their will.
Alan’s ”Dispelling Vaccination Myths” article was published around the world and translated into Russian, Chinese, and several European languages in the late 1990’s. It has been used in medical school classrooms in 3 different countries, appears on websites around the world, and has appeared in publications including an Australian grassroots newsletter, Indian homeopathic journals, the Hindustan Times, and American and European magazines. Alan’s more recent publications include vaccine legal articles published in The Townsend Letter, The American Chiropractor, and the North Carolina Chiropractic Association’s HealthTrek Magazine.
” Årtionden av studier publicerade i världens ledande medicinska tidskrifter har dokumenterat vaccinmisslyckanden och allvarliga biverkningar av vaccin, inklusive döden. Dussintals böcker skrivna av läkare, forskare och oberoende utredare avslöjar allvarliga brister i immuniseringens teori och praktik. Ändå – otroligt nog – så är de flesta barnläkare och föräldrar ovetande om dessa resultat.”
Svensk översättning av ”Vaccinationsmyterna” (PDF)
Educate before you vaccinate – föreläsning på youtube
Mer info om Alan finns på hemsidan Vaccine Rights
Artiklar skrivna av advokat Phillips