”Journalisten Janine Roberts berättar en hemlighet om vaccin som är fruktansvärd. Att påstå att vaccin kan vara en orsak till cancer, autoimmuna sjukdomar, allergier, och andra sjukdomar, är sannolikt inte ett axiom. Jag tror vaccin tillsammans med andra miljöfaktorer, som besprutning (och GMO) är huvudorsak till många sjukdomar. Hon berättar bl a att mässlingvaccin världen över innehåller leukemi-virus från kyckling. Något man vetat om sedan 10 år. Dessutom med WHOs goda minne.” -Pål Bergström
Tillägg 20120617
Adventitious Viral Genomes in Vaccines but Not in Vaccinees
Polymerase chain reaction detection of avian leukosis virus DNA in vaccines used for poultry
”The researchers found evidence of three other viral sequences in vaccines. These do not represent infectious viruses. The first was an avian leukosis virus (ALV)-like virus sequence, which is called EAV (for endogenous avian retrovirus), found in vaccines produced in cells derived from eggs (measles, M-M-R II, and YF-Vax). EAV sequences are known to be present in all eggs and do not produce viruses that can grow in human cells. EAV sequences in eggs were discussed at FDA advisory committee meetings in the mid 1990s, and determined not to pose any concerns for the safety of vaccines.” -FDA
Background on Study Results of U.S. Academic Researchers
Viruses and Virus Nucleic Acid Contaminate Many Vaccines
The long, strange trip of retroviruses in cancer
Endogenous Retroviruses and Cancer
Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) able to cause leukaemia
Tom says
Fler dokument om kontaminerade vaccin:
Affidavit of Leonard George Horowitz evidencing the Origin of AIDS sourcing fromHepatitus B Vaccine experiments conducted by Agents and Agencies of the FederalGovernment of the United States of America and the Merck Pharmaceutical Company
;in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement byConsent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission
I attest to the following facts that evidence a global genocide ongoing under the guise of AIDS science and “public health” (that is, an “iatrogenocide”); that is unconscionable inits implications that indicts the vaccine industry,vaccine research, and ongoingdevelopments in this field.
According to medical textbooks, EBV-associated tumors occur frequently in patients withAIDS. Lymphomas are the second commonest malignancy in AIDS patients. Whilescientific consensus holds that, “EBV triggers AIDS-associated primary CNS lymphoma(PCNSL) and post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). EBV DNA can befound in tumor tissue in both of these conditions[61] and in CSF of patients with AIDS-associated PCNSL.”
Furthermore, this FACT is incriminating in thatthe leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma cancercomplex was not clinically identified or reported anywhere in the world until nearly adecade following this writing when initial AIDS cases began to appear in precisely thesetwo countries (i.e., in gay Americans and central Africans).
Gnolla says
Hva i all verden er et leukemivirus?
Jeg har jobbet i ti år på avd. for blodsykdommer (hvor man behandler blant annet leukemi) og dette er første gang jeg har hørt snakk om leukemivirus. Dette er farlig nonsens og dere burde skamme dere.
Marina says
Då har du något nytt att lära dina kollegor 😉
National Cancer Institute (GNI) forskare har upptäckt hur människors T-cells leukemi virus typ 1 (HTLV-1), som infekterar ca 20 miljoner människor i världen, hålls under kontroll av en av kroppens naturliga försvarsmekanismer. En aktiv infektion med HTLV-1 leder till T-cells leukemi i upp till fem procent av alla fall över hela världen.
Så som du ser, så finns det olika typer av dessa virus.
Roger Abel says
Da er det bare å oppdatere seg her Gnolla… 10…eller 20 år i tralten er tydeligvis ingen garanti for kunnskap. Et lite søk på nettet og du kunne ha funnet ut av det 🙂 Men du velger heller blindt å forsvare vaksinehegemoniet og bruke hersketeknikk for å stigmatisere de som sprer kunnskap…
Lars K says
Jag instämmer. Men vi är vana! Vi vet ju att vaccinationsförespråkarna aldrig är pålästa – det ligger i sakens natur. Tunnelseende är regel bland dem . Och Gnolla är inget undantag.