In the history of human vaccines, the numbers clearly show that in every case, the disease itself was already on the decline when the vaccine was introduced. Most vaccines were scarcely a blip on the radar, not affecting the natural decline of the disease at all. In a few unfortunate cases such as polio, the disease actually increased after vaccinations began.
Text: Mike Adams
For example, when people contract measles, their overall immune system is strengthened in response to the mild challenge of this disease. Death as a consequence of measles is generally seen only in undernourished populations. When doctors started routinely vaccinating children against measles, we started to see babies who contracted measles at a dangerously early age because their vaccinated mothers were not able to pass on immunity to them. And what was the medical community’s solution to this dilemma? Vaccinate infants for measles even earlier!
Remember that humans are vaccinated only a few times in their lives, (although we can certainly see that Big Pharma is trying their best to see to it that this changes) whereas animals are so treated once or twice a year for their entire life. Most people with chronically ill animals believe the animals were already sick when they got them, but often we can trace their problems to the time of vaccination (or to their parents having been vaccinated). It’s true that vaccinosis (a condition which refers to a chronic disease pattern occurring after vaccination) does not afflict all vaccinated animals; some are lucky enough to have very strong immune systems. But if you or your animals have ever been affected by it, you’ll never forget it. You take a risk every time you allow your animals, your children, or yourself to be vaccinated unnecessarily. Remember, it’s your decision, unless the laws in your state complicate your freedom of choice.
Vaccines do not work all the time. In both human and veterinary medicine, there are many recorded instances of no immunity developing, or of so-called ”vaccine breaks” occurring, whereby the stimulation of antibodies isn’t sufficient to protect against the natural disease. Conventional medicine claims those are body faults and problems. There does appear to be a genetic component to which animals may have trouble responding to a vaccine, however, giving a nonresponding animal more vaccines is unlikely to force an appropriate immune response, and it certainly can cause more problems.
We vaccinate because we’re afraid our animals will contract certain diseases. We’ve accepted annual vaccines without considering where that recommendation came from and what it really means. Most veterinarians recommend that cats, for example, receive a combination vaccine against panleukopenia (feline distemper), calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis (upper respiratory infections). Many also encourage injections for Chlamydia, feline leukemia (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV or feline AIDS), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), and even ringworm. These vaccines are typically repeated every year for the cat’s whole life, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that they are unnecessary.
En aspekt är att många hundtjänster kräver vaccinationsintyg. Exempelvis hunddagis, hundpensionat och det förekommer även att man måste ha intyg på vaccination för att få delta i hundkurser. Utan intyg får du inte vara med och intyget ska då helst inte vara äldre än två år. Så om man vill ta del av dessa tjänster så tvingas man vaccinera sin hund. Jag tror att det är samma för katter, men jag har inte katt själv så jag vet inte.